Book Review

Book Review: Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh

Book: Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh
Rating: 1 out of 5 Stars

Oh, this was…. disappointing. I wanted to say bad, and while it was, I feel disappointing is more appropriate. Having read Singh’s books and having enjoyed them, I was expecting more from her. However, after reading all her books, I was beginning to feel that it was her paranormal, more than her romance that set her apart from the crowd. I always believed it was her nuanced way of detailing a society, their inner workings and power plays that allowed her books to shine. So when you strip that away, you get her tried and true pairing of an alpha male and a broken female. Basically same ol’, same ‘ol.

I wanted to put the book down and I actually stopped to read another book, but came back and I trudged on. I was curious about the other boys from the band. I wanted to see them together, learn more about them. Too bad the entire book consisted of Molly being a whiny baby and Fox accommodating to her every whim. Don’t even get me started on what he saw in her. On the other hand, we knew all too well what Molly saw in Fox, what with his “whiskey and sin” sexy self. Please, I’m so done with that phrase – used to describe him one too many times throughout the book.

Then the sex. Is this a quick cash grab? Are we all just going to move in this direction as another outlet with the popularity of 50 Shades of Grey (which I haven’t read or plan to read)? Really authors? I mean, ok – this other series I’m reading is pretty H.O.T. but if this isn’t your forte, please don’t try to shove smut at us. Sometimes, I’d even search for smut right off the bat, so eager to see what’s up. This time around? I actually skipped over it. SKIPPED THE SMUT. It got so repetitive, so dull and happened so frequently that it just was a chore to read.

As far as leading ladies go, I have a high tolerance for boring women and their sob stories but Molly takes the cake. Even her name irks me. For sordid past and scandal might have been traumatizing but after a certain point, it’s like really girl? Get over yourself! We focus so much on her shit that it kind of diminishes Fox and his own sob story of a past which I felt was that much more traumatic.

This would have been a perfect novella. Fun, flirty fast read. Except it was drawn on torturously too long. So I do not recommend this at all. I breezed through Thea and David’s and it was great. To the point, short and a nice read. Even got tossed a scrap about the band’s past. Less is more here. I’d read Noah’s story but that’s it.

Rant. Over.
