Book Review

Are you Mad?

Book Review: Quintana of Charyn by Melina Marchetta
Rating: 4/5

I do not like Quintana. The book yes, the girl no. Unlike Finnikin of the Rock and Froi of the Exiles, where the book features the titled character, Quintana of Charyn focuses on telling it’s tale through the eyes of both Charynites and Lumeterans.  In fact, I am surprised at the lack of Quintana here. Instead, we follow Froi’s quest to protect his love and his future. We learn that a Queen is not unlike a commoner, though her resolve is that much more fierce.We fall in love through a stubborn man’s heart. We hate the mad princess but understand and begrudgingly protect her.  We hope that everything will work out in the end, a happy ending for everyone we’ve come to care about. We believe in love. The series really boils down to this, to the love and loyalty of all the characters.

Ah, there is so much to say about this book and this series. I devoured it, needing and desperately hoping to find that peace and happy ending for Froi. This boy who is not the same boy at all from the beginning. This boy who really came to become the central and main figure of everything. All the characters, all the strings and lives that were so woven together was perfect. The only thing amiss would be that I didn’t fully understand since it was not addressed was the King of Charyn. He was always but a shadow, a vile man who’s motivation we will never know. Sadly this was the one thing that while my mind could gloss over most holes because the STORY was so wonderful, kind of gnawed at me.

Like the first two books of the series, Marchetta has written a story that wrings us through the full gamut of emotions here. I’m sad that this is done. Can we not get some sort of continuation – like the second generation… or.. something? Please?


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